Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Painting on Tinfoil

Here's a great painting idea. I just love watching Monkey explore and create with different materials. He's still just "scribbling" most of the time when he uses markers, crayons, or paint, but he's starting to figure out that he can draw actual things! Sometimes if I draw first, he'll try to copy what I've made, like a sunshine or tree. It's so cute!!

Supplies: paint, paint brushes, tin foil, baking sheet (or cardboard)

Cover the baking sheet with tin foil. I did it with the shiny side up but either would work. The baking sheet is really just to keep the tin foil nice and flat and still. You could use cardboard, or even tape it an easel. 

Then go for it!! 

Here's his masterpiece:


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