Thursday, May 07, 2015

Cardboard Tube Stamping

Today we had a play date with some friends. It was so beautiful outside. We spent the whole morning in the front yard, which meant we did our art outside! Is there anything better than summer?!

We seemed to have randomly amassed a collection of cardboard tubes of various sizes over the past few weeks. Being a kindergarten teacher, I have a hard time throwing away some items that could be used for art or play. Obviously toilet paper and paper towel tubes are easy to gather; we also had a really thin tube from some glow stick necklaces and another medium size tube from some wrapping paper. 

Supplies: cardboard tubes, paint, trays for the paint, card stock or paper

My husband cut some of the tubes into smaller pieces using an exacto knife. Smaller pieces are easier for smaller hands, plus it means we can save some for another time. 

I had the kids help me pour out the paint and set one tube in each colour. I use yogurt container lids for this... yet another thing I collect. I decided to use card stock for this project because its a bit more durable for the ground.

Then the kids got to work!

Each of them went about it differently - it was really neat to watch. Monkey stamped the tubes to make circles on his page. But Bear (as her mommy calls her) used the tubes more like paint brushes. Same activity, two different results, I love it! 

Here are the masterpieces... 

You can see Monkey was not super interested in this one. I blame the fact that his sand table and construction trucks were right beside him. He just can't help himself when there are diggers and dump trucks around.

Thanks for coming over to play, Bear! 


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