Monday, May 04, 2015

Growing Beans in the Window

We have a collection of plants next to the big windows in our living room. The other day I was watering the plants and Monkey started asking why I was doing that. It's his favourite question right now, being three and all. I told him plants need sunshine and water to grow. We talked about how the sunshine comes in through the window for us but we have to take care of the watering part. 

The conversation got me thinking about showing him how plants start to grow. This is easy bean germination and it shows really clearly how a plant needs water and sun. 

Supplies: bean seeds, wet paper towel, plastic bag, tape, window

Day 1: April 22
The first day is really the only time there is anything to do. Wet the paper towel and wring it out so that it is saturated but not dripping wet. Fold it a few times and place it in the bottom of the plastic bag. Then put the beans between the paper towel and one side of the bag - you want to be able to see them through the plastic. Push most of the air out of the bag and seal tightly. 

Finally, tape your bag onto a window. You want the beans to be on the side you can see inside the house. 

Now, we wait! 

Day 6: April 27

Yay!! Our first sign of growth! We noticed that one of our seeds has sprouted. It's the biggest one. 

Day 8: April 29
More sprouts! 

Day 13: May 4
Okay so I forgot to take any pictures for a few days... but here's what we came home to after being away for the weekend. 

Every bean sprouted out of the seed coat and has germinated. You can see the roots, stem, and leaves. I pointed these out to Monkey but the real learning here was that plants need sun and water to grow. These beans have done all they can in the bag; we may plant them in the garden if we can get to it in the next few days.

I think this activity was interesting for  Monkey (and me!) because it progressed fairly quickly, at least after the first bean popped open. He would run over to the window every morning to check. 


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