Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Roll and Dot the Number

Monkey has been very interested in numbers lately. He'll ask me, "What does a 1 and a 3 together make?" or "Which number is bigger than 100?" Although this activity doesn't hit on those sorts of questions so much, it does help Monkey practice his subitizing (recognizing number representations without having to count) and number recognition skills. 

Supplies: die, bingo daubers, roll and dot the number page

You can download the roll and dot the number page for free here: http://mominspiredlife.com/preschool-math-game-roll-dot-number/

This game could definitely be done independently, but I printed out a few sheets so that Monkey and I could play it together. 

The game is very straightforward. First, roll the dice, and then find and mark the number you rolled. Each number appears many times on the page and they are not in order, so it does require the child to discriminate between numbers. 

As the game went on and more numbers were covered, Monkey started to notice that he was running out of 2's, or that he had covered all his 3's, observing and making generalizations about his sheet a whole. 

Monkey enjoyed this game. We played it two separate times today, each time for about fifteen minutes or so, which is a decent length of attention for a four year old. We haven't covered all the numbers yet, so we'll get to play another time or two. 


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