Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Water Bead Sensory Bag

Back in May, Monkey and I made up a new batch of water beads. He used them for about a week with his marble run before we put them away. I saw this activity that uses water beads for younger children and I figured I would give it a try with Peanut. The water beads had been sitting for a few weeks, so I added some water to the bin and let them sit for an hour before getting this activity ready. 

Supplies: ziploc bag, tape, water beads 

I filled the ziploc bag with water beads and then sealed it and taped over the seal. Obviously these beads are far too small for Peanut to actually get his hands on! 

I tried to tape the bag to the window but that turned out to be a complete disaster, so I taped it down to the floor instead. 

Then I brought Peanut over and sat him down next to the bag. 

He started moving the beads all around and smacking them. 

He kept trying to pick them up, too, which didn't work of course, but he was able to break them through the bag. 

Monkey had to get in on the action, too. 

This activity didn't hold Peanut's attention for very long, and after his initial exploration of he bag, he didn't return to it, even though I left it on the floor for the rest of the day. Luckily, I didn't go out of my way with the materials and it only took a few minutes to set up. I've moved the bag from the floor to the counter, and I'll try it again with Peanut another day. 


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