Friday, January 22, 2016

Painting a Snowflake

Before Christmas I found this awesome wooden snowflake at the dollar store. If you can't find something similar then paper or cardstock would work well, too. You'd just have to cut out a simple snowflake shape. 

Supplies: blue and white paint, paintbrushes, mixing tray, wooden snowflake

After getting all the supplies set up, Monkey and I mixed up some different shades of blue by adding white to the two colours of blue we already had. 

We talked very generally about how adding white to a colour makes it a lighter shade of that colour. 

Then Monkey was all set! 

I'm not sure exactly why, but I have never seen Monkey so focused on an art task before. He quietly painted until the snowflake was completely covered, using all the different shades of blue that we had made. 

He is so proud of how it turned out. And I'm so proud of his concentration. We'll hang this for the rest of this winter and chances are I'll probably tuck it away for next year, too. 


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