Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Painting Ice

Monkey always seems really interested in activities that bring the outdoors in - as most preschoolers and kindergarteners are! This one does require some preparation the day before. 

Supplies: container (suitable for the freezer), paint brushes, water colours, baking tray

Last night, I put a few inches of water in the metal bowl and put it in the freezer. Overnight the water froze. 

I ran some hot water on the bottom of the bowl and the ice popped out really easily. I put the circle of ice onto the baking tray so that when it started to melt, the ridge around the tray would stop the water from spilling. Then Monkey was ready to go. 

I thought this was super cool but I'm not sure Monkey was quite as enthusiastic about it as I was. Luckily, it didn't take a lot of work or materials so it isn't really a big deal. And I always wonder what would happen if we tried it again another day?

I had to encourage him to use a variety of colours and to paint all over the ice instead of in just one spot. 

It turned out very pretty. We let it melt on the table all afternoon, checking back on it every once in a while until it was just water. But thinking about it now, we should have put it outside because then we could have kept it a little longer. Maybe next time!! 


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