Monday, December 07, 2015

Straw Rockets

We're on a bit of a roll here with using straws for our activities. I got the idea for this one here:

Supplies: construction paper, scissors, markers, glue stick or tape, straws

To start, I folded the pieces of construction paper in half so that there would be a top and bottom for each rocket. Then I drew a rocket on each one. We googled simple rocket drawings because I'm not someone who can draw only from my head, and Monkey looked at them and told me what to draw on each one. 

Then Monkey decorated his rocket, and I decorated the ones I made for myself and Monkey's daddy.

After we finished decorating the rockets, including some aliens in the windows, I cut out the rockets. Since the construction paper had been folded in half, I got a top and bottom half for each one. 

We glued the top half to the bottom half, putting glue only on the edges, and leaving the bottom of the rockets unglued. 

Then we pushed the straws into the bottom of the rockets. 

Now, the best part, shooting the rockets!! All we did was blow into the straw and the rocket popped off.  

It was basically impossible to get a good picture of Monkey making his rocket fly!

This activity is a good opportunity to teach backwards counting as rocket ships always do a countdown to blast off. 

3... 2... 1... Fun! 


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