Monday, June 08, 2015

Bubble Wrap Fish Print

We got some bubble wrap in the mail a little while ago and despite my husband's best efforts to pop it I tucked it away with my art supplies, knowing it would be useful for something down the road. 

Supplies: paper, paint, paint brushes, bubble wrap

I cut the bubble wrap into the shape of a fish, mostly because it's an easy shape to draw and I don't pretend to be good at drawing. 

I got Monkey set up with some cardboard to paint the fish on and I put some underneath the paper, too. 

Monkey started painting the fish. 

He did a great job. I did end up helping a little bit, more than I usually do, because the fish wasn't entirely covered and I knew the print would look best if there was paint all over it. 

I flipped the fish over on to the paper and we "squashed!!!" it down. 

We repeated this process until Monkey was sick of it, which ended up being after three prints. I told him he could paint the fish differently each time but he wanted to keep the colours in the same place (he gets that from me). So we mixed it up a bit by having the fish swimming in different directions. 

I really love how they turned out. I thought I could convince Monkey to help me paint the background into an ocean scene but he was not interested. So I think I'll paint an ocean myself and I'm going to plan some more ocean creature crafts to add to it, along with this fish, for a big under the sea collage. Stay tuned!


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