Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Earth Day Art

Happy Earth Day!

This is a really simple, easy to set up art activity. When I told Monkey we were doing Earth Day art he said, "I love the Earth!" I'm not sure where he learned that, but perfect. 

Supplies: coffee filters, eye droppers, two containers of water, green and blue food colouring, baking tray

First, put a few drops of food colouring into each container of water, one blue and one green. Monkey helped me with this part. 

Flatten out the coffee filters as much as possible. It's not easy. It might help to do it the night before and let them sit under a big book? I wasn't that prepared today. Then put the coffee filter on the baking tray. (This is just to contain the mess.) 

Then the fun part! Using the eye droppers, grab some of the coloured water and drop it onto the coffee filter. The water will spread on the filter while soaking in. Be careful not to use too much water. 

I decided to make one too. 

Find somewhere they can dry. Ideally, you don't want them lying directly on a flat surface. I laid them on my baking cooling rack - it was all I could think of for drying them well inside. If it was a little warmer today I would have strung them up outside with a clothespin. 

They look funny with the wire all underneath but luckily it didn't affect how they turned out! We put them up on the wall for display.

This activity can be done a lot of different ways. You can use different colours to do more abstract art, and hang it in the window. You can scrunch the middle together with a pipe cleaner to make a butterfly. You can add googly eyes and a black mouth to make a monster. You can stack a few on top of each other and twist them into a flower. So many possibilities! 


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