Thursday, December 03, 2015

Sticker Numbers

I've decided it's time to really start working on numbers with Monkey. We count aloud regularly and he can do it to 20 by himself... with only a bit of trouble in the teens. I am also working with him on pointing to or touching objects as he counts (one to one correspondence). Today's activity seemed like a natural fit for where we are in his understanding of numbers. Oh, and there are stickers which you know are a favourite for him! 

It is one of five number activities on the post that all look fantastic. 

Supplies: paper, markers, stickers

I really wanted to use Christmas stickers  because it's the most wonderful time of the year, but Monkey insisted on Cars. And if he has a say in it then he feels more invested in the activity so I won't argue! We'll use those Christmas stickers another time.

To get this set up I divided the page into ten sections and wrote the numbers 1-10 randomly in the sections. 

I purposely didn't put the numbers in order because I wanted it to be a little more challenging for Monkey. If I had done this a few months ago when he didn't recognize the numbers, I would have done them in order. 

I sat down with Monkey and explained what we would be doing and then we got to work. 

For the first few numbers he was happy to peel off the stickers and put them on the sheet. Then he started getting a little 'tired' (a.k.a. bored?) so we worked together. He chose the sticker and I peeled it off for him, then he stuck it on the page. 

For each number we would count as we put the stickers on, which I led completely, as he would forget by the time we got to the bigger numbers. Once we had enough stickers we would count them just to be sure and I modeled and encouraged him to put a finger on each sticker as we counted it. 

This was definitely an activity that I had to sit with Monkey from start to finish. We spent the whole time talking about and counting numbers. Minimal set up but a huge learning experience. 


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