Monkey has known his uppercase alphabet for a while now, so I want to get started on the lowercase set.
He's such a typical boy. He loves playing outside and any toy that has wheels. So using something he likes is a great way to get him interested in learning.
In this activity Monkey has to match lowercase letters to the corresponding uppercase one.
I got the idea here:
This took about twenty minutes of prep time which I did the night before.
Supplies: construction paper, train template, tape, scissors, markers, card stock (optional)
I began by printing a train picture off the Internet to trace and cut out of construction paper.
Then I cut out the cars for the train out of construction paper. Once I had all thirteen cars cut out I wrote the uppercase alphabet on them, two letters per car.
I also cut out little squares from card stock (you could use construction paper) and wrote the lowercase alphabet on them.
I cut out black wheels for all the trains as well. Mostly because I had time while I was watching tv and a little because I knew it would look cool.
The next day once Peanut was down for his afternoon nap, I grabbed the tape and started putting up the train. Monkey had seen the train and all the letters on the counter earlier in the day and kept asking me what they were for.
I only got the first two cars of the train up before he was standing right beside me asking to help. So I just put the tape on the back for him and he stuck them up on the wall. It looks so cute!
He told me the back of the train is going over a mountain.
Then I told Monkey what we were going to do. He got started right away. I couldn't get the tape on the back of the lowercase letters fast enough. I was surprised how many he knew without my help. The obvious tricky ones - b, d, p - required some help, plus a few others. I'm not sure where he learned them but I was impressed.
I love activities where he can be up and moving around. He always responds better if we're up and moving as opposed to sitting at the table. He kept walking the length of the train, singing the alphabet.
He always watches me take all the pictures to post here and usually he grabs his toy camera and takes some too, but today he ask to take some pictures on my phone. So I handed it over. He took about a hundred pictures and some turned out pretty good.
I'm going to leave the train up on the wall for a little while. He has been re-visiting it when he walks by, and it's quick and easy to ask him to find a few letters when we pass by.